Effective Communication

Effective Communication

One major aspect employers are looking for in all candidates for a position is effective communication. Without it the employee cannot function properly in the work place and this can cause all sorts of problems.

Now what makes effective communication? Skills like being a good listener, for starters. You need to be able to listen to people you work with, so that you can figure out how to solve any problems that you face in your line of work. Making sure that the person you are listening to feels like they are understood can solidify the working relationship between both parties. Listening carefully and fully understanding someone leaves less room for mistakes, so that saves time and also creates a safe atmosphere where creative ideas can be shared. Listening well can help relieve stress, which can help boost the efficiency of work.

Some ways that you can help a colleague feel understood is to give them your full attention when they are talking. Pay attention to the way they are saying things and the gestures and body language they use when they are expressing their ideas. Show that you are listening to them, and that you are interested in their ideas. Do not just stare blankly at them. Try not to interrupt them mid-speech, as this can make them feel that you do not care about what they are saying. Leave any opinions or constructive criticism that you may have for them for after they have finished, and try to convey your criticism in a positive light. If you seem too judgmental then that can make them feel that their ideas are not good enough, and they may not want to share ideas again.

You also need to be able to convey your own ideas clearly and effectively to your co-workers. Choose the right words to emphasise your points, use positive words that help to give your colleagues the best picture of your idea. Try to involve them in the conversation, ask for critiques of what you have just said and try to work that in to further points. Use positive body language as well when you are talking. If you use gestures that go along with what you are saying, and therefore give a more active presentation of your ideas, your colleagues will be more likely to pay attention to your ideas as you look more like you actually believe in your ideas. Keep your body language open, as giving off a negative presence can make your colleagues not want to listen.

Barriers to Effective Communication

Some barriers to effective communication include things like inappropriate choice of language. If you use words or phrases other people may not understand you can alienate them from the conversation which can stop them from paying attention. Make sure that you choose the right kind of language to deliver your ideas. Only communicating with co-workers through text or over the phone can also hinder effective communication. Only being able to get one or two aspects of how they want to express their ideas can cause you to misunderstand. To get the full idea of someone’s ideas it is best to communicate in person as you can both hear how they want to express their idea and see how they present it. Giving too much information can also be a barrier to effective communication. Make sure that you present your points in small enough chunks that your colleagues can fully grasp them before you move on to the next one.

Cultural differences can also have an effect on effective communication. Make sure that you understand the cultural backgrounds of the people you work with, so as to avoid insulting them or using a phrase that they may not understand. Different languages may also be a problem, if this is the case try and find a common language that you would all use, or find someone who can translate effectively. Online translators like Google Translate cannot be relied on for complete accuracy. If someone has hearing difficulties then learning to sign can be a useful skill to aid in effective communication.

Use these skills to help aid with effective communication in the workplace, as effective communication means efficient work.

1 comment:

  1. Hi,
    I completely agree with your views. Effective Communication is the most important skill that an employer or hiring manager looks for while interviewing a candidate. Effective communication is about more than just exchanging information. It's about understanding the emotion and intentions behind the information. As well as being able to clearly convey a message, you need to also listen in a way that gains the full meaning of what’s being said and makes the other person feel heard and understood.
